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, by Dan Brown

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Product details
File Size: 4819 KB
Print Length: 496 pages
Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0307474275
Publisher: Anchor; 1st edition (March 18, 2003)
Publication Date: March 18, 2003
Language: English
ASIN: B000FA675C
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#13,488 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Having put this book off for years because I detest following the crowd, I finally picked it up last week and added it to the virtual books on the nightstand (I.e.Kindle open books.) Instead of the heavy, religious themed read I expected, I found a fanciful tale of secret societies, secret codes, and espionage that kept my interest until the end, far longer than I initially expected. In a few years, I no doubt will read it again and let the story flow as it was meant, now that my preconceived prejudices are proven false.
I love the fact that Mr. Brown pulls on our shared global knowledge of certain works of art then expands on those with less widely know artworks that are just as amazing, I spend a good half my time looking at Google images of the works he described.He also does what many authors aspire to do, makes the world think, ponder and question what we take for granted as solid fact. As he mentioned specifically in this book, it is the victors who write history, and how many events of all history are either skewed to favor the current ruling parties or completely rewritten to change what was the previous "known" history. This makes me wonder how much truth has been lost over the centuries (too much) and just what the actual truth may be. This book has sparked many a theological discussion as well as getting many people who never were that "into" art, interested in the idea that art is another form of recording our past and how art has been used throughout time to support governments, subvert governments, and tell the story of humanity.Well worth the read.
Usually I never give my kids abridged or rewritten books because I want them to enjoy the originals when the time is appropriate. With this book, I wouldn't consider it a classic, and I think the omitted parts wouldn't take away from its "rush." I gave this to my 12-year old daughter thinking how much she would enjoy it. I wasn't wrong. Now I just hope Dan Brown converts his other books into YA versions.
This was a re-read for me. I used to have a hard copy when it first came out. I admire Dan Brown's ability to spin a gripping tale, making the detailed background come alive. Robert Langdon, a professor from Harvard and world renowned symbologist, is in Paris for a presentation. Asleep in his hotel suite, he receives a call from the front desk informing him an officer of the French police, is trying to reach him. After putting the officer off, he gets another call from the front desk informing him the police are sending someone to take him to the superior officer. And thus starts a deepening mystery, fraught with clues and intrigue, that takes the reader on a series of twists and turns, and murder after murder. The two protagonists: a secret society and the Roman Catholic Church. What, you who haven't read the book, nor seen the movie, might say? I say, sit back and get ready for a most different thriller than you've ever experienced! Good reading.
This book is amazing. It is very long and somewhat of a complex story so you need to be in the mood. It is definitely not a light read but it is so worth it. The historical and religious references throughout the book are so eye opening and definitely could be offense to the strongly religious type. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about pieces of artwork or places and then going to do a bit of research on my own. This book is suspenseful, thought provoking, and above all extremely entertaining. The ending is a huge surprise but the plot twists are abundant throughout the book and will keep you on your toes.
It's been years since this 'The Da Vinci Code' has been out, and I'm sure everything has been said that needs to be said about it, but I would like to share my own personal story about this book.It was around 2004-2005. I was out of university and working. I was one of those Americans that didn't pick up a book after college at the time, you know, the majority of them. Maybe it was because there were no good books around, maybe I thought adult novels were too long, whatever it was, I didn't read. I don't know how I stumbled upon this book. I believe a lot of people were talking about it, a lot, so I thought, "why not give this one a try?"It took a couple of weeks to finish as I like to savor every word an author has written. I read it as fast as I could with each chapter ending in some breathless cliffhanger. And like an episode of television, I didn't want to binge-watch like people do these days; I read a few chapters in each sitting waiting in anticipation for the next day to read more. I don't want to say anything about the topic of the book as I went in completely blind and ended up wonderfully surprised and immensely enjoyed it, and I would want the same for you. (An aside: I grew up Christian, but ended up being an Atheist). I do think an open mind, and some light background knowledge of Christianity will help in truly enjoying this book.I've never read a book like this, if ever, at the time. It was thrilling, it was well-researched, it made me think this could almost be real. It is the definition of a must-read. That's all that should be said about this book. But what I would like to say is that this book was the spark that restarted my love for reading that I had as a kid. I read a lot as a kid, but sometimes we are forced to read things, and kids do not like being forced to do things (parents, that's a lesson for you). The forcing of reading could be a reason I was turned off of books for a few years, but if there was ever a book to get you started again, this is, *the book*.Now, about Dan Brown's ability to write, I've read what others have said about his writing style, and I don't agree with them for this book. I wasn't conscious about it for 'The Da Vinci Code', but I can see and understand other people's perspective on it. However, if you've read one of his books, you've read them all. Dan Brown's books are like James Bond films, they all follow a formula with similar ingredients, but we still keep watching them because the formula works. I do recommend his other books starring Robert Langdon ('Angels & Demons', 'Inferno', *NOT* 'The Lost Symbol'—that was a snoozer).Pick The Da Vinci Code up, borrow it, get the illustrated version (it's the best version) [see photos], but read this book if you haven't already. It's significantly better than the film, and I think you will enjoy it as most of the world has. Recommended!
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